Vote Fraud as Payback Time

Habitual Fraudster, Melowese RichardsonBy Robert Knight

Melowese Richardson is the poster girl for vote fraud.

The Ohio poll worker was sentenced last July to five years in prison after being convicted of voting twice in the 2012 election and voting three times — in 2008, 2011 and 2012 — in the name of her sister, in a coma since 2003, according to USA Today.

This might be below Chicago graveyard standards, but it’s still impressive. Ms. Richardson has become a heroine to the left, which is working with its legal arm — the U.S. Justice Department — to kill voter photo-ID laws in order to ensure that creative voting continues.

Read the rest at the Washington Times.

The Voter Fraud Manual by Dan McGrath - Buy at Amazon.comThe Adventures of Dan and Tina by Dan McGrath - Buy it at Amazon.comThe Storm Tower by Dan McGrath - Buy it at Amazon.comWhat Every (Minnesotan) Should Know About the Government by Dan McGrath at

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