Voter ID bill introduced in MN Senate

New Voter ID Bill Introduced in MN Senate

21st Century Voter ID

Watch: Video on 21st Century Voter ID System

Senator Scott Newman (R – District 18) is the chief author of an elections bill introduced in the Minnesota Senate Today. SF3571, which will eliminate voter vouching and require photo identification to vote is coauthored by former secretary of state, Senator Mary Kiffmeyer (R – 30) and Senators Utke (R- 2), Jasinski (R – 24) and Pratt (R – 55).

It is by no means a comprehensive election integrity bill, but it effectively accomplishes it’s main purpose of requiring Photo ID. Notably absent is any attempt to verify the eligibility of Election Day registrants. Non-citizens and ineligible felons, for example would not be prevented from voting as long as they have ID. However, because their identity will have been verified, prosecution of ineligible voters after the fact will be made easier. In that respect, It’s not 100% ideal, but it’s far better than the system we have now.

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